– DEP NYC 2021 Water Quality Report Campaign
This campaign was created to notify New York City water customers about the availability of the DEP 2021 Water Quality Report. The campaign was spread across Print (report, statement-stuffers, postcards), Cable, Transit (bus shelters, ferries, subway, and sanitation vehicles), Link NYC kiosks, and Broadcast. Designed the 2021 DEP Water Quality Report, all campaign elements, and produced the :30 broadcast spot.
– B2B Fashion industry ads
Running an in-house creative marketing and ad agency, we produced campaigns for our properties and our advertisers.
– Blood Drive Campaign – 200% increase in participants from prior drive. GD USA Award for concept and copy.
– New business pitch comps for TSA Pre-Check. Concepts, copy, and comps
Ads in various editorial properties
– One-offs and campaign installments.
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